Gawker Hit Piece on Christine O'Donnell

The Gawker smear machine: A refresher course. Michelle Malkin

Lead on left-leaning Memeorandum.

Gawker’s New Low: Anonymous Pre-Election Smear Job on Christine O’Donnell Caffeinated Thoughts

Instant karma for the sleazeball who stomped on Christine O'Donnell. Ann Althouse

Lefty gossip site somehow unites entire blogosphere behind Christine O’Donnell HotAir

Democrat Shart Watch: Internal Polling May Show O'Donnell Ahead Doug Ross

The left hates conservative women.

Because we know and appreciate the American Dream.

...and if we by some Black Swan event win this Joe the Biden Senate seat it'll be a BFD.

...a few of Gawker's select advertisers:


O’Donnell Campaign Statement on the Universal Condemnation of the Gawker Story
Wilmington, DE – Communications Director Doug Sachtleben stated in response to the universal condemnation of the Gawker story:
"This story is just another example of the sexism and slander that female candidates are forced to deal with. From Secretary Clinton, to Governor Palin, to soon-to-be Governor Haley, Christine's political opponents have been willing to engage in appalling and baseless attacks -- all with the aim of distracting the press from covering the real issues in this race. Even the National Organization for Women gets it, but Christine’s opponent disturbingly does not. As Chris Coons said on September 16th he would not condone personal attacks against Christine. Classless Coons goons have proven yet again to have no sense of common decency or common sense with their desperate attacks to get another rubber stamp for the Obama-Pelosi-Reid agenda. Such attacks are truly shameful, but they will not distract us from making our case to Delaware voters -- and keeping the focus on Chris Coons’ record of higher taxes, increased spending, and as he has done again here, breaking his promises to the voters."
The National Organization for Women (NOW) on Thursday condemned the tabloid website Gawker for publishing an anonymous account: NOW issued a statement late Thursday stating that “sexist, misogynist attacks against women have no place in the electoral process, regardless of a particular candidate’s political ideology.”
“NOW repudiates Gawker’s decision to run this piece. It operates as public sexual harassment. And like all sexual harassment, it targets not only O’Donnell, but all women contemplating stepping into the public sphere,” said NOW president Terry O’Neill.
Read more: And today, it is Gawker running a filthy, paid anonymous hit piece on Christine O’Donnell that even other left-wingers have disavowed.
Salon: Gawker’s Christine O’Donnell tell-all backfires
Politics Daily’s Jill Lawrence: “Gawker on Christine O’Donnell is absolutely, totally, offensively out of line. Awful. You won’t get link from me.”