Dems Use Same Dirty Tricks in Indiana. Vs. A U of C Free Marketer:)

Dem Senate candidate Alexi Giannoulias and Baghdad Bob Obama/Blago Dem media guru Pete Giangreco pulled this in Illinois. Now Chicks on the Right documents the same rotten tactics in Indiana. In the this is my townhall meeting and I set the rules (you just shut up) Baron Hill race. Adopting the Chicago Way around the country.

Yes, it's pathetic.

But also maddening.

VOTE your guts out.

If it's not close they can't cheat.

More. Hell yes. It's the Chicago School. Baron Hill's opponent. A former Marine, a U of C B school Milton Friedman fan: HT Legal Insurrection:) God Bless America. And VOTE Todd Young.